1. We saw from out first talk that Jesus' way of living is different.
  2. picture Thy way or My way road sign In our lives we have the choice of following his, God's way or our own way.
  3. New Give way road sign  picture. We are to give way to God. The Bible says that we are to kill our old way of life, of putting ourselves first. We are to be humble, like slaves, serving, Jesus said in today's reading.
  4. Picture, we are to go one way, road sign. God's way. Jesus said that following His way will not be easy. He compared it to taking up a cross every day. But He will give us the strength and support that we need to follow His one way, and that this will lead us to the right place, which is knowing God in this life and looking forward to being with Him forever.
  5. No entry sign.If we don't follow Jesus we will be cut off from God.
  6. Those who follow Jesus can look forward to having God as our friend and guide in this life, and look forward to being with Him and all who follow Him in heaven forever. Picture of heaven sign. It is going to be great there. No more sickness, sadness, suffering or death. Everyone will be united in love and praise of God forever.